One of the world’s most easily adaptable wild predators is the coyote. The coyote is famous for its excellent adaptive and hunting skills in killing small game, fawns, and livestock. But I guess you might be wondering why coyote hunting is a widespread sport.

Well, here is the thing? 

I will be providing you answers and great information on the reason for hunting coyotes, its legality, and how to hunt coyotes.

Why You Should Hunt Coyotes

Why Coyote Hunting?

The rise in the coyote population has surged higher than geographical experts expected. And this high surge of the population seems to be taken a toll on other wildlife animals. 

Coyotes are naturally omnivorous animals. Hence, coyote killing can be anything from dog food to rabbits and full-grown deer.

Now, here is why some hunters hunt coyotes?

The reason for hunting coyotes differs between hunters. Some hunt for fun while others in their bid to help nature. The rising population of these predators, especially in the United States, is becoming alarming, and hunting them will curb their spread. 

Is Coyote Hunting Dangerous?

For a newbie hunter, Yes. However, like any other wildlife hunting, the coyote can be dangerous if not appropriately planned by the hunter (even experts).

Why Coyote Hunting

Five Reasons to Hunt Coyote

Coyote hunting has become one popular sport worldwide, especially in the U.S. Many hunters engage in this activity for several reasons. Moreover, it is one activity that usually gets encouraged. 

This section of this post will reveal why you should hunt coyotes and how to get started. Let’s see some of the reasons to encourage hunting coyotes.

1. Manage the Coyote Population

The wild has so many predators, and the coyote is one of them – having little to no competition. The coyote population sees a massive increase every year. As a result, it endangers the other living species that are prey. 

On average, a female coyote can birth up to twelve of its kind in a litter. Furthermore, the females get ready to mate from a little as ten months and live as much as ten years. 

The coyote population growth, if left unchecked, will see the dominance of this animal of a large scale in areas housing humans.

Manage the Coyote Population

2. Helps Sustain Prey’s Life

Coyotes are animals with a large appetite. On average, a grown coyote will consume 2 – 3 pounds of food daily. A study revealed that about 86% of the whitetail mortality rate came due to coyotes’ killing.

Generally, coyotes prefer smaller-sized animals like rodents. However, they may go for full-grown bigger games like elk, deer, and moose during the winter periods. Some hunting experts believe that this period is the best time to hunt coyotes.

3. Curb the Spread of Diseases

Due to coyotes’ rapid quest to eat anything, they have become one of the most significant disease carriers in the wild. These animals are consistently in contact with one form of disease or the other, and they can spread them quickly with a bite scratch.

What kind of disease do they carry?

The canine distemper and canine hepatitis are the most prevalent diseases found in coyotes.

How would you protect yourself when hunting?

Generally, what to wear when coyote hunting should be something thick but flexible for easy movement. Additionally, the best coyote hunts happen when the hunter wears camouflage dressing.

Curb the Spread of Diseases

4. Practice Your Skills

Now, coyotes are overly populated, so they are the best animals to practice your skills. Even when hunting coyote is slow, you can stay proficient and find the sneaky animals from afar wearing your glasses.

Typically, coyotes can come from any angle at any time – meaning your sense of smell and sight must be active to catch one. These will help you build your shooting, sighting, and catching skills with continuous practice.

5. Keeps You Hunting During the Off-Season

In some states with coyote bounty, hunters use that opportunity to keep hunting all year round. Unlike other hunted wildlife animals, the coyote rarely has a specific season for hunting. Hunters looking to horn their skills or do something exciting usually use this activity to thrill themselves.

I will advise any newbie hunter who missed the actual hunting season to try going on a hunt for coyotes. Additionally, while you are out hunting for coyotes, you can scout other available wild games in the offseason.

How to Hunt Coyotes?

Coyotes are overly populated dog-like wild animals; however, hunting them can be challenging for newbie hunters. Regardless, this section will give you a few tips on how to hunt for coyotes.

  • Check that you are on the correct coyote route.
  • Bring along the appropriate weapon.
  • Remain silent throughout the hunt.
  • Approach the coyote in stealth mode.
  • Find the best shooting position.
  • Wait a while, then give a call out.
  • Make a clean shot.
  • Ensure the coyote is dead before approaching.
How to Hunt Coyotes

Frequently Asked Questions 

Why Hunt Coyote?

It is advisable to hunt coyotes to build up, train, and master your hunting skills. Additionally, coyote’s increasing population is slowly becoming a menace, eating other wildlife and livestock. So, hunting coyotes will somewhat be doing nature and the human populace a favor. 

Is It Good to Kill Coyotes?

Technically, killing coyotes is legal (in most states), making it a good thing to do. Furthermore, hunting and killing coyotes help to curb the fast rise in their population. Because of these animals’ consistent spread of disease, killing a few of them would be doing more good than harm.

Best Time to Hunt Coyotes?

Like most other wild animals, the coyote is a nocturnal wild beast. They mostly come out at low-light or night-time. And mostly, during this low-light time, coyotes usually come out in mass in search of food. This makes dusk and dawns the perfect time to hunt coyotes.


The reason behind the “why coyote hunting” has become more evident each passing day as these animals gradually multiply. The primary reason hunters go after these wild animals is to curb that rapid increase in number.

However, ensure you are well protected and your state has legalized the killing of these animals.